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Monday, September 10, 2001 |
Finn got uncomfortable on Sunday evening, the 9th of September. He shuffled here and there, but couldn't stretch out and get a comfy spot....so...he decided that enough was enough and he was going to head out and look for somewhere where he could stretch his beautiful long legs and arms. Thus began the journey that rocked his mama's peaceful world. 10:00pm...I was feeling cramping pains and noticed the beginnings of what I was thinking might just be labour. Then again, this little man of mine had played games with me a few times before in the preceding weeks, so I was not too sure and thought I would just wait around before letting anyone know. An hour later my mom called me and asked how I was...premonitions or what? I told her that I was having pains but they might just go away as they had done before. Grandma became very excited and wanted progress reports. She got one at 2:30 that morning. I was sure I was in labour. The pains were not bad, but they were becoming regular and increasing in pressure. Within 15 minutes Grandma was at my house making tea and getting things organized. At around 3 that morning we decided that we would be heading to the hospital as this was definitely it. Finn wanted out! My mom packed up my dogs and rushed back to their house, then came back to pick me up. We made it to the hospital about 4 that morning. I was 3 cm (sigh). I had at least made it to 5 cm with Daegan, so I was feeling a bit silly, but the nurses decided to keep me there anyways..I was the only one in labour & delivery! I was going to have all the nurses to myself! Woohoo. | |
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So...mom and I were just hanging out at the hospital during the wee hours of the morning. I called my doula, Tracy, to come on over and the nurses called my doctor. My doctor came in before her work day started and broke Finn's water. She told me I would have a baby by lunchtime! Wrong. Just as it had with Daegan, the contractions kept going but became useless and labour was stalled. Lunchtime passed. The late luncher's passed. My doctor came back after her work day...guess who was still there. At least I was 8 cm by this point..but the end was not yet in sight. Finn's heartrate was causing concern as it would slow down with a contraction or when I lay a certain way. The decision to induce was made. When that happened Finn REALLY became upset and his heartrate slowed even more during contractions. My doctor called in 2 specialists and they thought we should get ready for an emergency c-section. They got me ready, and had the OR team assembled in the delivery room ready to go when the specialist decided to try with the vacuum for one contraction. If that didn't work then c-section it would be. Finn, you see, had his chin sticking out which made his head settle at an undeliverable angle..and he wasn't going to budge. He's stubborn now, and he was stubborn then! Anyways, vacuum worked and within three pushes, at 6:36pm, Finn Declan was born. He passed his first tests with flying colours, Apgar scores of 9 and then 9. We cuddled and then moved on to the maternity ward to spend our first hours together. |